New Home warranty Schemes
What new home warranty schemes are acceptable to the lender?
- Build Zone including Self Build Zone (excluding self-builds under
construction) - Premier Guarantee
- Building Life Plans (excluding self-builds under construction)
- Castle 10/Checkmate (where outbuildings are included in the
construction e.g. a detached garage, an endorsement to include these
in the cover is required) - The Q Policy for Residential Properties
- Build Assure (New Homes Structural Defects Insurance)
- Aedis Group
- Advantage HCI
- Protek New Homes Warranty
- ARK Residential New Build Latent Defects Insurance
- ABC+
- Global Home Warranties Limited (10 year Structural Defects Insurance
Policy) - One Guarantee
The warranty must have been issued as a result of periodic checks of the property
during the construction or conversion process – a retrospectively applied for and
issued building warranty insurance is not acceptable.
Refer all other warranty schemes to us.